Monday, April 4, 2011


A long day at the hotel. Alone. Doing paperwork, reading. Perhaps a grocery trip or a jog outside thrown in. I may be where I live but I want...

Home = Brandon

He comes in with a smile, expecting a kiss (even if he has to come get it). My day lights up and I feel so much more alive because part of my heart just walked through the door.

Three and a half months in hotels. Maids coming every day. A small kitchen and crowded space with the in-laws and Brandon and me living all together. It's nice to have the company, but I miss....

Home = our fifth-wheel

Our bed. MY kitchen. (Brandon won't argue, he likes my cooking too much.) I can turn the music up while putting my dishes away. Or have it totally quiet as I read when sitting on the floor that I just vacuumed. Space. Room to show who you are in a physical way, through the calendar on the wall and curtains on the windows. (Not to mention that it's way easier to pack our entire house and move than packing just what we have with us now. Nothing has a home! ... Um, I'll pretend I'm smart and say "pun intended.")

On the road for weeks and weeks and months. Seeing new places, towns, states. New grocery stores, coffee shops and job sites. Interesting. But never putting down roots. No church, no friendships being built, no "normal". It's hard to stay in touch with everyone at...

Home = Kansas

Church fellowship and crazy friends. Catching up with everyone and hearing the latest about their lives. The prairie, the big blue sky! And above all, family. Mom and Dad's hugs, the "big" boys with our now grown-up conversations. (Ok, not always grown-up.) The "little" boys as they literally climb all over me until it settles down into constant questions ("Will you read to me?" "Where's Brandon?" "When are you going to have a baby?" "When do you have to leave?" "Can you stay THIS MANY days?" "Where's Austin?"). And my sweet, stubborn baby sister. When she reaches for my hand it's one of the sweetest things in the world.

But my life is disconnected in many ways from Kansas. Realizing how much I'm missing in people's lives, seeing how big the kids are growing. It's bittersweet and often makes me want to cry. Everyone's life is never still. Life moves, grows. There's no such thing as "stagnant" when it comes to friendships and family. You're either moving closer or moving apart...and there's nothing wrong with either. It's simply life. And my heart longs for...

Home = Brandon

The only person I shall always grow closer to. Who is my other half, the completer of my life on earth. Who brings me the most earthly joy (and yes, often the most earthly irritation). Being swept into his arms after being away from him in Kansas is as close to heaven as it gets. Until I go...

Home = Jesus

To be at the Wedding Feast of me and my Bridegroom! To worship and enjoy Him perfectly for all eternity. To know my Father in a pure way, untainted by sin. What perfect fellowship and love and purpose. Forever.

What joy it will be to be Home.


  1. I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head. Good things to remember and to focus on what home equals!!

  2. This has made me realize how much I am now searching for HOME.....
