Monday, February 21, 2011

Anyone Named Daniel or Joseph?

I was acting strange and Brandon was very concerned, so he took me to the doctor. We found out that I had a hormonal imbalance that caused me to become emotionally unstable at times. Hence the reason I was trying to stab myself.

My friend (remaining anonymous) was a bridesmaid in a wedding and I was helping her get ready, which included doing her hair, make-up...and helping her shave her legs.

I was driving with my grandpa and some little kids I was babysitting on a road that went through a hospital when I passed a couple stunt guys with dirt bikes. I found out that I was being filmed in an action movie, but couldn't discover which one.

No, these things didn't really happen. They are just clips from three of my dreams I've been having the past week. I don't remember clearly enough what some of the other ones were, or I would give you more examples.

I don't dream in black and white. I don't dream in slow motion. I don't dream that I'm falling. And I never have any type of dream that could be considered "normal". These examples may seem extreme but they aren't any crazier than others I've had. If my dreams have any meaning, I need an interpreter the caliber of Daniel or Joseph!

I once dreamed that Brandon was a sheep-herder, taking an enormous herd of fluffy animals from Texas to North Dakota to be slaughtered. The weirdest thing? He liked it! Or how about walking around a huge maze in a corporate office. Not too strange - until you realize you're the size of a Lego person pushing a tiny shopping cart around.

Still, nothing surpasses a very vivid dream I had several years ago. Here's the full story.

Something was strange. I was walking in the mobile home that has served as my family's home for eight years, but it was deserted. I reached the front door and slowly turned the handle. The off-white, plastic door creaked open and I stepped out onto the metal grating that served as our porch, three feet off the ground. All seemed normal, including the moat that surrounded the mobile home. 

I inched towards the edge of the six-by-six foot porch and leaned over the still, dark water. Shuffling a little closer, my toe caught in a crack and I fell! A resounding SPLASH and I was enveloped in a green murkiness. In that split second of touching the water, I felt my body transform. My arms stuck out differently, my elbows making vertical right angles. A very long snout was in front of my eyes and I distinctly felt a long, powerful tail behind me. The scales, the claws... No way! An alligator? It couldn't be...but I was was! I was an alligator, swimming in our moat. 

"This is the weirdest..." I didn't get any further in my thoughts because something was speeding towards me. I instinctively knew that danger was approaching and braced myself. A flash of teeth and whiskers and then BAM! a leopard seal slammed into me, sending us both reeling head over (literal) tail. I curled a scaly fist and landing a punch on its strong body. A whack across my head was the response I got and soon we were fighting like mad animals, landing punches wherever we could. 

The leopard seal was so strong! I felt like I was fighting in slow motion, hampered by the water. I wasn't used to fist fighting in water, I had only been an alligator for a few minutes! But my opponent didn't care, landing punch after punch. He moved like lightening and as we tumbled in the dark waters, I could feel myself losing. No! I can't lose, I must fight! Another hit to my jaw...

And that's where I woke up. I was very relieved to find myself a human, living in our real house, with the knowledge that the moat had never existed.

Does anyone have any divine inspiration on the meaning of these?


  1. ROFL... Wow, this really made me laugh. :D
    I'm sorry, dear, I don't have any insight as to what these strange dreams could mean. :s
    But, next time you become an alligator, and you're fighting a seal... try biting him with your razor-sharp teeth; usually works. ;)

    Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Um, I don't the meaning (other than your a nutter). But I do know that shouting Scripture songs always helps in a got that red alien thing to quit strangling me. If you really want a good night's sleep, fall asleep singing a Scripture song!! I can usually find something in a dream that is linked to my day, een if it was a tiny random little detail. Did you shave your legs that day???

  3. Sounds like we had too many movies when you were growing up - the last one seems like *Swan Princess* meets *March of the Penguins*. LOL!!
