Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Simply Thoughts and a Slightly New Direction

Life can be boring to write about. Or sometimes it just seems to follow one theme. I was thinking I should rename my blog "Escapades in the Kitchen" because the only exciting things that seem to happen is food jumping out of the blender, sour milk (four cups of it) splashing onto the floor, and a glass pie plate literally exploding across the kitchen behind my back. (Yes, I'm fine and we just ate the top of the pie, not the bottom which was iffy with all the broken glass underneath it.)

I've found that writing in third person about yourself, unless it is simply humorous, is hard because you have to be brutally honest. Struggles that are intensely personal will come out. And if you haven't learned your lesson yet, you can't end the story on a positive note. How do you write about a revelation that has come to you, if you are currently refusing to apply it to your life?

The most engrossing part of a person's life is the inside struggle. But to reveal yourself and just how stubborn and prideful you really are isn't something most people want to do. At least on a real-time basis. You're not nearly so vulnerable about lessons learned in the past as you are about the current ones you are still fighting.

This is part of the reason why my posts have been so few and far between. Third-person is very fun to write with but too personal to use for many parts of my life at the moment. Much of it is left to whatever happens to be funny, hence the cooking disasters that keep coming to my mind (and the kitchen). So I will be using a couple different writing styles on my blog now. First-person for those instances and ideas that don't transfer well to a "story" format (um, wait...that's called a blog post, isn't it?) and third-person for the times I feel especially inspired (and dramatic!).

I hope that I'll be able to expand more thoughts, more real-life on the road, this way. For those of you who read, thank you! And any ideas you have are welcome, as long as I don't lose any friends if I decide not to use them. That would be "poor," to quote my husband, since I live too far away to fix it. *Insert chuckle*

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts my dear. I totally understand and can relate to personal vulnurable struggles. But always know I am here, and we are journeying life together....as friends...sisters....and family. I love you and am super thankful for you. I miss you my dear sis. Hugs, Mindy:)
